A Free Offer

Limited Time Offer for Subscribers of Create Smarter

Are you currently stuck on a video edit?

Or maybe you’ve been trying to make your video look or sound better, but unsure what’s missing or how to go about enhancing it?

Well, if you’re reading this right now… you’re in luck. 👇️ 

I’m offering a FREE personalized video review to the first 5 people who submit a video. This is only available to subscribers of Create Smarter.

Send me a video you’ve already created—or one that you’re currently in the middle of—and I’ll review it and send back a video response with actionable tips to enhance your project.

Curious what a video review from me looks like?

Here’s a recent example and success story 👇️ 

Back in November, I provided video editing tips and feedback to creator Ben Syversen. He was working on an ambitious new video for his YouTube channel, and sent me a rough draft to check out.

I responded back with a video review showing exactly what I would do to improve it. Here’s a link to check out my tips & feedback on Ben’s video:

At the time, his channel had fewer than 30 subscribers, and his videos averaged between 50 and 200 views.

After finalizing the video—and implementing many of my suggestions, Ben released his video the day before Thanksgiving…

The response has been astounding:

596,000+ views, 5,300+ new subscribers, and tons of comments and engagement!

Of course, the credit for this success is entirely Ben’s—he put serious effort into making this video stand out compared to his previous uploads.

It has been amazing to see his effort get recognized and find an audience, and I’m so glad he found my tips and suggestions useful.

Get Direct Feedback From a Pro-Video Editor

It should go without saying that I can’t guarantee results like the above.

However, I can 100% guarantee that the tips and techniques I share will lead to you creating better video content.

And that means:

More views, more subscribers, and more followers!

Often, we are too deep into our own creations to notice what we’re doing wrong.

We just need someone with an outside perspective to give us feedback…

And it couldn’t hurt if that someone was also a professional video editor. 😉 

So, what are you waiting for?

This is a FREE offer for people who are supporting me at the beginning of my journey as a content creator. You literally have nothing to lose!

The only thing I’ll ask in return is a written or video testimonial from you after receiving my video review.

And remember…

There are only 5 free reviews available. 👇️

I look forward to seeing your content and helping you enhance it!

New to the Create Smarter Newsletter?

Make your video content stand out with useful insights from a pro-video editor!

Become a more efficient and effective video creator in just 5 minutes per week. 👇️ 

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